Time for me to varnish and then frame "Katherine at the Faire" so I thought I would take a moment and share it with folks. It has be juried into an art show and I'll be delivering it the end of next month.
This young woman volunteers every year at the Washington Renaissance Faire in August. She works at the gate greeting visitors. Last year (2008) the faire was unfortunately cancelled, so I'm really looking forward to it this year. I'll be spending the day there getting reference shots for future paintings.
If you wish to see the above painting in person the show will be May 31 - July 9 at the
Cascade Club ~ Trilogy Golf Club
23225 NE Greens Crossing Road
Redmond WA 98053-6247
Open to the Public
Daily 9 am - 7 pm
The original oil painting "Katherine at the Faire" is 36" x 18" before framing and will be for sale at the show for $1,300.00.