Hurray! This was one of my New Year's resolutions. I wish the pounds would come off this easily. ;-)
I titled my blog as an oil painting journey. Well a journey is what it is. I hope you enjoy the trip as I move along my career path.
I will give a disclaimer right up front that I write horribly. I'm absolutely an artist, not a writer. My sister who is a writer ( laughs uproariously at my writing attempts. She says I write colloquially (which means I write as I speak -- just in case you didn't know off the top of your head). So I may butcher language, with incomplete sentences, fragments, etc., but if I waited to start a blog until after I brushed up on my grammar I don't think it would ever get done. So with the aid of the spell checker I'm pushing on . . .
One of the things I have wanted to do for many years is have studio space separate from my home. My paintings do tend to take over the house, -- so much to my families delight I have finally made that move. I'm leasing an upstairs space in beautiful downtown Snohomish, Washington. The room is roughly 11' x 15' feet, which is not enough room to move everything out of the house, but will give me my own space to do some painting. Here are a couple of photos of the empty room I

took last week before moving in.

It doesn't' have the greatest natural light that an artist would wish for in a studio, so I'll have to adjust that with some special temperature lights. But for right now it gets me out of the house. I'm only doing a short lease of six months to start with. I want to see if having a studio separate from my house does help my productivity. Like most artists I lament not painting as much as I would like to -- a common complaint. ;-)
Tomorrow I'll post how the room looks now.