Ack! Today I'm sending off info on three new paintings to a gallery in California, and I've been so busy painting -- I've totally forgotten about the titles. And they want the titles! So I thought I'd throw a quick plea out there to all you Katie MacAlister fans who came through so great for me before. If you have any quick thoughts for these poor nameless paintings -- I'm really open to suggestions. LOL.
You can send me a suggestion at karen at karenmcclelland.com These three are all smaller than I normally paint either 9" x 12" or 12" x 6" done specifically for a December "small works" show.
Thanks so much for your quick help!
By the way sis, congratulations on the two new books released yesterday!
Hi(: Katie MacAlister fan here xD I think a good name for the second painting is Elizabeth o,o She just strikes me as an Elizabeth (:
What I think of when I see the girl in blue is either "Sorrow", "Melancholy" or "Heartbreak"
The first one looks like she's dreaming. "Dreaming"
The second one looks like she feels like a princess. "Princess"
A friend of Katie Mac.
1. Dream
2. First Dance
3. Broken hearts
I love your paintings! Especially the horse paintings. :)
I could only think of one for the middle one:
End of Innocence
If it's not too late:
1) Blue Dreams
2) Coming of Age
3) Heartbroken
Hi Karen :)
Paintings are wonderful!
1) Faintly Blue
2) Finding Her Path
3) Beyond Tears
I haven't seen your work before but I am a fan of Katie MacAlister, which is how I found you. The paintings are truely lovely. The girl in blue looks peaceful and I agree "Dreaming" fits.
The second girl in pink struck me as if she was looking for something, "Lost Earring" perhaps would be a good name. (Yes, I have been there.)
Finally, the lady in red has her back to us making me think she wants a moment of privacy. Perhaps "Tears" would be a good name?
Good luck and success with your paintings.
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